Astar Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle won A Judges
“Award of Merit”
at The Lenape Golden Retriever Specialty

Rosies new achievement is passing her CGCA test
Also, She is now received her Therapy Dog Certification through
The Dog B.O.N.E.S. organization
At nine months old, Twinkle won Winners Bitch, 1 point Best of Winners
and Best Puppy at the Eastern Dog Club dog show.
Astar Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on 1/13/2013 won Winners Bitch at Greater Lowell Kennel Club, Fitchburg, Ma. Gaining her 2 more points toward her championship.
On April 28,2013 Twinkle won Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex adding 2 more points toward her championship
On May 4,2013 Twinkle placed 2nd in the Open Class at Bucks County, Pa.
On May 31st Twinkle placed 1st in the Open Bitch class at The Yankee Golden Retriever specialty
On June 2, 2013, Twinkle Won a 4 point major and Best of Breed from the classes over specials. It was a fabulous weekend
On June 29th, 2013 Twinkle won Winners Bitch (3 point major) and Best of Op Sex at Wampanoag Kennel Cub. She now has both her majors.

” Astar Red Rose”